
Hypocrisy, thy name is politicians

There’s a lot of things I dislike: olives, mosquito bites, the color orange, that weird smell that comes from my kitchen sink randomly and with no apparent source. There are relatively few things I hate, but hypocrisy is pretty damn high on that list. The thing I can’t stand about hypocrisy is that it betrays a lack of self-awareness and objective examination. Hypocrisy is an immediate indicator that a person’s philosophical opinions and beliefs are nothing more an excuse to behave how they want, when they want, while controlling others as much as possible. As Mark Twain said, “Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits.” I couldn't find a good Mark Twain pic, so hopefully this Samuel Clemens guy will do I find hypocritical politics to be especially aggravating because it’s so easy to see the hypocrisy and so few people apparently care. The national debt under Donald Trump ballooned by nearly $8 trillion dollars . During his 4 years in office hardly a challenge was r

Thing People Have Been Predicting for Long Time Finally Happens

After years of stomping all over the integrity of our highest office, months of claiming the election was stolen, and weeks of demanding legislators and his own vice president not certify the election results,  Donald Trump spent a few minutes telling his followers to storm the capitol and they did . A woman has been shot , legislators have been evacuated, bombs have been found , and the national guard is being dispatched to deal with the mob currently engaged in massive sedition (and very probably treason). I’m pretty sure this is the part where the rest of Trump’s supporters will claim to have no idea he would do something like this, or that his followers would actually do it. This is the part where they wash their hands of their sin, and we should absolutely not let them. American citizens cowering in fear as president's supporters threaten violence There’s never been a good reason to support Donald Trump. From the beginning people have been warning about his authoritarian ten

This is Really the Worst Part

So, here we are. This is it. Joe Biden won the election and now we are in the worst part. The real worst part.  Right now, it’s amusing watching Donald Trump, his allies and his base flail about with completely unfounded claims of voter fraud. There’s something truly enjoyable about seeing people who so relished the concept of “might makes right” finding out they are weak and therefore, wrong. Trump's legal challenges over the election continue to be rejected by federal judges , with some even condemning the very essence of the case for being built on " strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations." At the same time, the election challenges aren't the only thing going on. As enjoyable as it is, watching Republicans try to understand how a system that favors them could let them down, it's easy to miss their continued attack on the American government. It's deeply disheartening to be reminded that over a century of legislative precedent

The Worst Still isn't Here but it Sure Feels Like it.

I know I said the worst was yet to come , I just didn’t realize how long it would take to find out if the worst is yet to come. Because apparently a bunch of state legislatures decided allowing absentee ballots to be counted before polls closed would be bad, for some reason... 2020 really is just Hostel in year form. Full disclosure: I haven't seen Hostel and don't know the context of this scene. Best Guess? This probably isn't from the movie. President Trump has completed his entirely predictable course of challenging the validity of the election, making unsubstantiated claims of fraud and claiming victory on the basis of dibs. You didn’t have to be Nostradamus to see this coming. Trump has been laying the groundwork for this for months. This is the reason he spent so much time and effort calling the validity of absentee ballots into questions and speculating about widespread fraud. Not because there was any evidence of these things, but, to quote myself “so that his ba

Don't Fret the Election: The Worst is Yet to Come

Millions of Americans are watching the results of the election come in with bated breath. Not me. I’m a 6’4” athletic white heterosexual male of above average intelligence with a nice smile, smooth bass voice, and about 90% of my hairline intact. Worst case scenario for me is things get really weird before I resume my destiny of slowly failing my way upward to a middle management position at a bloated fortune 500 corporation.  His department underperforms and has mediocre parties. It seems like maybe there’s a problem when you need to be built like Adonis – with a complexion to match – in order to go into a presidential election worry-free. Sure, there is an outcome that’s better for me. But there is no substantial change. I’m not going to find myself losing protections , access to healthcare , or subjected to an increase in hate crimes depending on the victor of the election.  Of course, the election won’t be decided tonight. It never is. Electoral votes aren’t cast until December,

Republicans have a necrophilic agenda

  No, not really. The republican platform for decades has sought to remove protections for the most powerless among us, ensuring that power continues to accumulate in the hands of a few. They oppose   raising the minimum wage, taking action on climate change, and generally support slashing spending for education and other public services. In short, their policies screw those without power. Is this necrophilia? No of course not. That’s insane. Words have real meanings and while I could make an argument that their policies amount to necrophilia (who has less power than a corpse?) you’d be right to point out that doing so stretches all credibility and reveals me to be little more than someone interested in fear mongering without debating the actual merits of what is being proposed. I shouldn’t accuse republicans of promoting necrophilia because that behavior is moronic and does not aid in civil discourse.  Yep, birds are gross. So why is socialism any different? Socialism has been the

Trump Supporters: The Greatest Curse of the Human Race

This is part 4 in my series explaining the only three logical reasons I can come up with for people to continue supporting our 45th President, Donald J. Trump. Check out parts 1 , 2 , and 3  if you haven't already done so. Is your 401(K) today worth your child’s head tomorrow? That’s the question I ended the last post with. For some people, the answer to that question is a resounding, thundering yes. Which very conveniently brings us to the last reason people continue to support Donald Trump… Once you are aware of his bad behaviors, and why they are so deeply threatening to the continued existence of the republic, the only rational reason to continue supporting Donald Trump is selfishness. There is no other way to explain the act of recognizing a threat to the common good and ignoring it for personal reasons. It’s basically the definition of the word itself: putting your own interests ahead of the interests of everyone else. Especially when the cost to the individual is relativ