This is Really the Worst Part

So, here we are. This is it. Joe Biden won the election and now we are in the worst part. The real worst part. 

Right now, it’s amusing watching Donald Trump, his allies and his base flail about with completely unfounded claims of voter fraud. There’s something truly enjoyable about seeing people who so relished the concept of “might makes right” finding out they are weak and therefore, wrong. Trump's legal challenges over the election continue to be rejected by federal judges, with some even condemning the very essence of the case for being built on "strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations."

At the same time, the election challenges aren't the only thing going on. As enjoyable as it is, watching Republicans try to understand how a system that favors them could let them down, it's easy to miss their continued attack on the American government. It's deeply disheartening to be reminded that over a century of legislative precedent will be thrown out the window by Republican politicians if it means their team wins. 

An additional six Trump judicial nominees have been confirmed since election day, including one who hasn’t actually been in a trial courtroom since passing the bar. It should come as no shock, the American Bar Association doesn’t think too highly of this pick. Of course, the Republican defense for this behavior is that in 2013 Harry Reid lowered the voting threshold for lower-court judicial appointees. The same excuse they used to lower the threshold for SCOTUS nominees 4 years ago and probably the same excuse they’ll use to justify making Tucker Carlson chief justice given the opportunity.

I'm not saying the lower court was wrong, but it raises the question.

There’s a reason lame duck legislative sessions typically don't engage in serious appointments. It shows a certain level of deference and respect to the incoming administration and the American people. The people have just made their collective will known and would very much like the government to act according to how the over 150 million votes decided. The Republican response to this has basically been “fuck you guys, we’re doing what we want.”

Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s Secretary of treasury is attempting to clawback funds given to the Federal Reserve to help deal with the Coronavirus pandemic. Apparently Trump has big plans for the $455 billion in funds that are being recalled, and it has nothing at all to do with limiting the Biden administration’s ability to deal with the ongoing pandemic. What are those plans? Well nothing’s been publicly discussed, but it’s real and it’s beautiful and she goes to another school in Canada, so you wouldn’t know her.

This is the worst part. This is the part where the idiots in the Republican party think they can play around with invalidating an election without people noticing. This is the part where they decide their goals supersede all other considerations and start spitting in the face of people, daring them to do something about it. This is the part where they see how close to revolution they can get without one happening, of course the man they chose to lead them in this crusade is Donald Trump. A man well known for his self-control and ability to not do the stupidest possible thing at the worst possible time.

Hurray! We did it.


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